A convict who had the strength to make amends for her life
Eliška’s Story
When we were kids we spent a lot of time at my Grandma and Grandpa’s house. My parents used to work a lot, so Grandma and Grandpa babysat us. They went to church and every Sunday they took us with them.
It was customary that if you went to church you also attended religious teachings (Sunday school). So in this way we went through all the church rites – we were confirmed, and we knew the Ten Commandments by heart. Even though we knew all these things, it didn’t lead to anything good in my life.
During feasts we wore costumes and started drinking alcohol. While living this way I leant more to evil than good.
During puberty I met a bunch of people who were stealing in stores and I somehow joined them.
This lifestyle fulfilled me and I had fun and this way I could get whatever I needed. When I continued and we were still stealing I ended up in prison. In that kind of environment, a person slows down and thinks about himself. I used to go to the library there and this pastor from Apoštolská cirkev Brno used to come up to me and he told me to borrow a Bible. I started to read the Bible and I learned God’s truths more and more. He explained to me who God is and the truth about Jesus, how he died for us on the cross and what we have to do to be forgiven. These things started to change my life. In that environment I could have been transformed in some way, I also quit smoking, but when I
came back from prison I went back to my old way of living. When I met my husband, his mother was part of a Christian fellowship. She read God’s word and prayed and it felt different from what I knew from my childhood. She always told me about Jesus, how he forgives our sins. I am very thankful for how God planned that day when it really entered my heart. So when we came back from that visit I kneeled down next to my bed and I prayed like this, “Jesus please forgive me my sins and change my life, I am annoyed by it.” I am very thankful because God granted my prayer and changed my life.
For the first time in my life I started to feel this joy in my heart.
I started gladly spending time with other Christians which was different from before. Now living this life with God I know that I don’t have to do things that I used to, but I can live a different life and be filled with joy and peace. And even though we went through a lot, I know God is the one who gives me strength and will always take care of me.