From despair and loneliness to true fulfillment and joy

From despair and loneliness to true fulfillment and joy

Magda’s Story

When I was 13 years old, my mum became a Christian. Every Sunday we went to church and so we lived our lives with God. But after some time there were some conflicts between my parents. These quarrels, conflicts and insults lead into a divorce.

The village that we lived in, we also had to daily face the physical and mental abuse from my grandmother – the mother of my dad. She would swear and use inappropriate language, she would insult us. When we rode the bus with her, she would pull our hair out. I was really ashamed and afraid to walk with her. So I left my home.

Suddenly I had no money, no family, no friends. I was really alone. I was not an alcoholic but I was often out drinking. I started to smoke. I did not have a lot of money, I did not have any job. Some time later I met my husband, we got married and we have two children.

My husband is from a rich family, so we had many cars, we went to many vacations, we had a lot of money, friends, we went to parties, but we did not look for God. We did not need Him.

One day my mother visited us and she started to talk about Jesus, about how she accepted him into her heart again, that she cannot live without him and she asked me for forgiveness and I forgave her. But I could not stop thinking about it. I had a bug in my head day and night.

One day when I was cooking, I played some christian music and I cried out loud – “Lord Jesus I need you and I really ask you to come into my life, please I want to know you.” I started to read the Bible. I started to visit AOG church here in Breclav. The word that the pastor spoke really spoke to me and I have been ashamed for my life. I ́ve come home, I kneeled down and said God please forgive me everything I have done wrong, cleanse me and help me to be a better person. God did it.

It is amazing to live with Jesus. Because only in Him we have everything we need and He is alive and amazing, beautiful, great and I would not trade Him for anything.

To those who do not know Jesus yet, I would like to say to really think about Him. To admit that He might be alive. To open your heart for God, to really look for Him. There is still time to find Him, because He is waiting for us.

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